--------------- A l c o r n --------------- Intelligent Paging System M c B r i d e VPage QSYS Plugin --------------- Release Notes I n c . --------------- Installation Instructions 1. Extract plugin file to any temporary working directory. 2. If this is the first time using a plug in then Create this folder: C:\Users\%USERPROFILE%\Documents\ QSC Audio\Q-Sys Designer\Plugins\Alcorn McBride Inc 3. Copy plugin file into the folder created on step 2. 4. Launch Q-Sys Designer. The plugin will be available within Q-Sys Designer under Schematic Elements-->Plugins-->Alcorn McBride Inc. Simply drag-and-drop plugin to your design to begin using it. For assistance, please contact support@alcorn.com. 2020-07-08 Version 2.09-Q8 --------------------------------------------------- - Added VP4K product 2019-08-27 Version 2.06-Q7/2.08-Q8 --------------------------------------------------- - Fixed breakaway toggle/pulse function 2019-05-16 Version 2.07 --------------------------------------------------- - Updated IO pin names 2019-05-13 Version 2.06 --------------------------------------------------- - Modified to support QSYS v8+ 2019-06-25 Version 2.05 --------------------------------------------------- - Removed unsupported models from the product list 2019-04-04 Version 2.04 --------------------------------------------------- - Fixed redundant LED state messages (flooding) 2018-09-14 Version 2.03 --------------------------------------------------- - Fixed an issue where the LED indicators would occasionally get stuck on after a completed page 2018-08-28 Version 2.02 --------------------------------------------------- - Updated link command to include AES67/Dante config data -Fixed an issue with Dante/AES67 name not being properly configured when the station connects 2018-08-09 Version 2.01 --------------------------------------------------- - Added support for legacy VP4, VP16, and VP16K -Added property for PTT Mode ('Mic Button' or 'Zone Button') - Implemented 'Zone Button' PTT Mode -Changed default Audio Mode to AES67 for stations that support it - Fixed an issue where Audio Network settings were not being applied during the 'Link' when configured for AES67 2018-08-08 Version 2.00 --------------------------------------------------- - Modified to support QSYS v7+ - Added support for new VP4X, VP12X, and VP32K stations - Added support for AES67 -Consolidates Breakaway functions and paging zone selection to a single button function - Implements user-configurable blink rate - Implements more flexible breakaway function control 2017-05-12 Version 1.04 --------------------------------------------------- - Added multi-nic UDP broadcast capability - Added auto-refresh for the paging zone list 2017-01-18 Version 1.03 --------------------------------------------------- - Fixed zone status refresh issue that was causing the VP16 to show activity after PTT release. 2017-01-10 Version 1.02 --------------------------------------------------- - Fixed issue with combo boxes showing duplicate elements after refresh - Fixed issue with plug-in not initializing correcty after core power cycle 2016-09-06 Version 1.01 --------------------------------------------------- - Initial public release