--------------- A l c o r n --------------- Intelligent Intercom And VPage System M c B r i d e Monitoring and Setup Utilites --------------- Release Notes I n c . --------------- - VPage+VCom Utilities (Windows Only) --------------------------------------- Installation Instructions: 1- Unzip folder and double-clik VPVCUtilities.exe 2- All detected stations will be shown under Detected Units window. 3- Click on each station to find out current settings, station type, DHCP settings, and many more. Note 1: To be used with firmware 2.12 and above. Note 2: This is a standalone software. No folders or directories will be created on your Windows PC. --------------------------------------- If you have any questions regarding any items listed in this document, please contact support@alcorn.com. 2023-05-15 Version 1.08 --------------------------------------------------- - GUI adjustments (connec to IP highlights based on comm state) - Fixed MAC parsing filter for extended MAC range 2023-04-11 Version 1.07 --------------------------------------------------- - Added lamp test function - Added notification for different modes to avoid confusion from lamp behavior 2022-05-13 Version 1.06 --------------------------------------------------- - Fixed operation on 32-bit platforms 2021-09-14 Version 1.05 --------------------------------------------------- - GUI adjustments (proper display of longer versions, additional minor statuses, etc) 2020-07-08 Version 1.04 --------------------------------------------------- - Added support for VC4K/VC16K products - Fixed scanner refresh when selecting another NIC 2019-08-30 Version 1.03 --------------------------------------------------- - Added bootp discovery and IP set - Removed subnet scanner (masking nothing by default) 2019-07-25 Version 1.02 --------------------------------------------------- - Added support for multiple NICs 2019-05-16 Version 1.01 --------------------------------------------------- - Updated to support fw v2.12+ 2019-02-12 Version 1.00 --------------------------------------------------- - Initial release