Products Designed for Themed Entertainment



Simple Encoding Software for Alcorn McBride Products

MediaFlow Software

For a complete workflow solution, simply use MediaFlow to encode your source material and transfer it to your Alcorn McBride unit.

MediaFlow software is preconfigured to produce video 100% compatible with Alcorn McBride products. It steps you through the process and quickly readies your content for use.

It imports many major video formats such as Quicktime MOV, ProRes, MP4, DPX, AVI, and much more. It then easily exports H.264 or MPEG2 with MPEG or AAC audio for our A/V Binloop HD and DVM8500 compressed playback products. MediaFlow will also ingest high-quality content and export compatible TGA or AMT files for playback within our A/V Binloop Uncompressed product.

MediaFlow is completely free if used to produce uncompressed content for the A/V Binloop Uncompressed.

For workflows that require MPEG2 or H.264 compression, a free trial version of MediaFlow can be obtained here. This trial version allows you to produce watermarked content for test purposes. To upgrade to a full non-watermarked license for MPEG2 or H.264 encoding, reach out to our sales team for pricing.

Simplify your workflow with MediaFlow!